Benefits of Fractional CO2 Laser treatment

Anti aging treatment with fractional co2

The Fractional CO2 Laser is a type of cosmetic procedure that uses a laser to improve the appearance of the skin. It is a popular treatment because of its effectiveness and minimal downtime. This article will discuss the benefits of fractional CO2 laser and how it can help you achieve the beautiful, youthful skin you […]

What is MNRF Stretch Mark Treatment?

Stretch Mark Treatment

  Stretch marks are a common skin concern that affects both men and women. They occur when the skin stretches rapidly due to weight gain, pregnancy, or puberty, causing the collagen and elastin fibers to break down and leave scars. While stretch marks are not dangerous, they can be unsightly and make individuals self-conscious about […]

BOTOX brings back your beauty

Botox treatment

What is BOTOX? BOTOX is a brand name for the neurotoxin botulinum toxin, made by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. When injected in small amounts, botulinum toxin can cause temporary paralysis of the muscles in the face, which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.   How Does BOTOX Work? Fine lines and wrinkles […]

How is stress incontinence be treated?

Stress incontinence           Stress incontinence causes the urine leaks out from the bladder all of a sudden when any physical pressure/ stress is applied on the bladder. It can happen during physical exertion like laughing, coughing, sneezing, exercising, heavy lifting, running jumping, etc….  this is not related to psychological stress. Stress incontinence is very common in […]